Sep 25, 2013

And I have moved

It's strange - I probably will have a strange breakdown soon, but all my things are out from the apartment that has been my one stable spot in life the past 12 years. Laying on the bed in my new apartment and just listening to Trish working away on her computer. Yeah, Internet is for sure installed. I'm exhausted! I have an exam tonight in my Leadership and Organization class, it's been a really interesting class, I've really been able to use lots of things I've learned in derby, but it has also made me realise how I can become a better leader and coach.

My passion is more on the project managerial part, let me have a good ol' project, and I will make it tick... Things are going well, and on Saturday I will finally be in Portland, ready to fling my jetlagged body into waiting arms. I'm super excited! I am of course also VERY excited about the Salem playoffs and lots of other things... 

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