Jan 25, 2013

I thought i was gonna die...

So yesterday was another of my really busy days, work and all that regular things and I'm supposed to get a lot prepared for Stockholm Rollerderbys annual meeting on Saturday... I really do not have the time... Grrr...

Well, so I got a gymcard from work, and I'm really excited about that - so I decided to take a class right after work, and of course I left work too late and missed it. And decided to join Britta on a run with her gym, and OMFuckingG I thought I was gonna die. We ran and ran, there were intervals and most of all it was freaking negative twelve degrees outside...

I do admit - it felt FANTASTIC afterwards and I am happy I did it, but seriously I feel like I deserve a medal or something... I am not kidding, going running in this cold weather does not make you look sexy at all... Snot pouring out of your nose and breath freezing your lungs... Oh yeah... I miss running on the beach of Natal in Brazil!

And its getting warmer - but I do prefer snow over rain... I guess I am never happy...

Well, this is in Celsius... but still...

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